5 Surprising Ways to Grow Potatoes in a Small Space

Are you tired of not being able to grow your own potatoes because you don't have access to open ground? Do you live in an apartment or a small house with no backyard? If so, don't worry! In this blog post, we will explore five creative and surprising ways to grow potatoes in a small space. From using recycled containers to planting potatoes in a fence picket box, there are several methods you can use to grow your own potatoes.

Method 1:

Using a Fence Picket Box The first method involves using a fence picket box. These boxes are two by two, which makes them four square feet. This is a great option for those who want to grow a small number of potatoes in a compact space.

Method 2:

Recycling Plastic Bags Another method is to use a plastic bag that you have from buying chicken feed. Instead of contributing to the landfill, you can reuse the bag and grow potatoes in it.

Method 3:

Using a Cardboard Box For those who don't have a fence picket box, a cardboard box can also be used to grow potatoes. The box should be two feet long and one foot wide, giving you two square feet of space to grow your potatoes.

Method 4:

Using Narrow and Wide Containers In this method, you can use containers that are either narrow or wide. The narrow containers should be about eight inches tall and the wider ones should be about 14 inches wide and eight inches tall.

Method 5:

Planting Potatoes in the Ground Of course, you can also grow potatoes in the ground if you have access to a small patch of soil. This is the traditional method, but it is not an option for everyone.

Planting the Potatoes:

Regardless of the method you choose, you will need to fill the containers with potting soil and add coconut coir to retain moisture. Then, you can add fertilizer, such as chicken manure, and sulfur to make the soil acidic. Potatoes prefer a soil pH of 5.5 to 6.0. You will then plant your potatoes (either one or two) about two inches deep in the soil.


Growing potatoes in a small space is a great way to have fresh potatoes at your fingertips. From using recycled containers to planting potatoes in a fence picket box, there are many methods you can use to grow your own potatoes. With a little bit of patience, you can have a bountiful harvest in no time. Happy gardening!


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