15 Fastest-Growing Vegetables You Can Grow in a Crisis

I'm going to cover 15 of the fastest-growing vegetables you can grow in a crisis. When there's a crisis situation, such as the current pandemic, grocery stores often run out of essential items, and people start emptying grocery shelves. In times like these, having a vegetable garden is the perfect opportunity to start growing your own produce or expand on your existing garden. Even if you don't have space in your backyard or live in an apartment, you can always grow some of these vegetables in containers. They grow really well in containers, and in this video, I'll cover the fastest-growing vegetables that are very nutrient-dense and take a short period of time to grow.

Number one on our list is microgreens. Microgreens are very densely packed with nutrients and take only 5 to 10 days to grow, at most 12 days if you don't have a source of light. You can grow microgreens such as sunflower, broccoli, and radish in containers on your kitchen counter, even if you don't have space for a garden.

Number two is green onions. Green onions give you the spice and crunch in food while taking only one to two months to grow. You can also regrow green onions from store-bought green onions.

Number three on our list is lettuce, which is super easy to grow, and the best part is that you can keep harvesting leaves as the lettuce grows. As soon as you have about 4 to 5 sets of leaves on lettuce, you can continue to harvest leaves from lettuce plants, and it takes only about 60 to 70 days, just about two months, to harvest the whole head of lettuce.

Number four is spinach, which is also easy to grow and perfect for spring. You can keep harvesting leaves of spinach as spinach continues to grow.

Number five on our list is tomatoes. Tomatoes are super easy to grow, and cherry tomatoes are the fastest-growing variety. You can also propagate tomato plants from cuttings to exponentially increase the quantity of your tomato plants.

Number six is potatoes, which are easy to grow and can be planted by planting stale potatoes that are sprouting or making those eyes.

Number seven on our list is beans, which are easy to grow and packed with nutrients. You can keep harvesting beans as the beans continue to grow.

Number eight is peas, a cool-weather crop that you can grow in the spring.

Number nine is herbs, such as basil, mint, and oregano, which are known to boost your immune system and are easy to grow. You can propagate herbs from cuttings to grow a lot of plants in a quick time.

Number ten on our list is radish, one of the fastest-growing vegetables you can grow in just one month.

Number eleven is beets, which are super easy to grow, and you can eat the leaves of beets as well.

Number twelve is turnips, which grow in about two months and have a spicy, crunchy flavor.

Number thirteen is carrots, which you can harvest in about three months.

Number fourteen is eggplants, which you can grow directly in your garden outside or start seeds indoors and plant them outside later in the spring.

Number fifteen on our list is squash, which grows really huge and can be added to pastas, salads, and roasted dishes.

In conclusion, no matter what happens or how bad the situation gets, always remember to keep gardening and carry on. Gardening is a great way to stay connected with nature and enjoy some time with your family and friends. Growing your own vegetables not only ensures a healthy food supply but also provides a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. So, let's get started on our vegetable gardens and remember to stay positive, connected, and healthy.


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