8 Must-Grow Vegetables in July: A Guide for Gardeners

Hello everyone! I'm excited to share with you eight vegetables that you must grow in July. If you're located in the southern hemisphere, such as Australia, South America, or South Africa, this guide will be particularly helpful. And for those in the northern hemisphere, don't worry, I've got you covered too. So let's dive into the world of gardening and discover the vegetables that are perfect for planting in July.


Potatoes are a versatile and rewarding crop to grow. If your potatoes are the size of an egg or smaller, plant the whole potato, making sure you have one to two eyes. Having fewer eyes will result in larger potatoes, while more eyes will yield smaller potatoes. For larger potatoes, cut them into halves or quarters, ensuring the scars heal for about a week before planting. Plant them at least four to six inches deep and 12 inches apart in rich organic soil with a slightly acidic pH level. Adding organic slow-release fertilizer and iron phosphate to control pests like earwigs will promote healthy growth.


Kale is an easy-to-grow vegetable that thrives in warm weather. Start by germinating kale seeds indoors or in a greenhouse, or directly sow them in the ground in July. The seeds will germinate in about 7-10 days, and your kale plants will grow quickly. Since kale leaves can become bitter in the summer heat, planting them in July ensures that they will be ready to harvest once the weather cools down. You can begin harvesting kale leaves approximately 1.5 to 2 months after planting.

Swiss Chard

Swiss chard is another fantastic leafy green that you can grow in July. You can start harvesting the leaves as soon as the plant develops four sets of leaves. By continuously harvesting older leaves, you encourage the growth of fresh leaves. Plant Swiss chard in partial shade to protect it from the intense summer heat, allowing you to enjoy tender leaves when the weather becomes cooler in the fall.

Winter Squash

Winter squash, such as butternut squash, spaghetti squash, or red curry squash, requires around four months from seeding to harvest. Therefore, it's crucial to plant them in July to ensure a bountiful harvest before the first frost. Each variety of winter squash has its unique flavor and culinary uses. Make sure to provide ample space for the vines to grow, as they can spread extensively. Refer to my separate video on winter squash taste tests to explore the distinct flavors of different varieties.


Sow pumpkin seeds in June or July for a delightful autumn harvest in October and November. Various pumpkin varieties, including sugar pie, Long Island cheese, yard oil, and Cinderella, offer distinct tastes and are ideal for pies, soups, or simply decoration. Plant the seeds half an inch deep, with spacing of three to four feet between plants and four to six feet between rows. Allow the pumpkins to cure on the vine until they become firm before harvesting, ensuring an extended shelf life.


With July being the perfect time to get your hands dirty and start planting, these eight vegetables offer an array of flavors, textures, and culinary possibilities. Whether you're growing in the northern or southern hemisphere, take advantage of this season to create a thriving garden. Stay tuned for more gardening tips and videos on my channel, where I share my passion for growing vegetables and experiencing the joys of a bountiful harvest. Happy gardening, everyone!


I was on Finding Genius Podcast!


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