10 Vegetables That Are Just Way Too Easy to Grow

If you are new to gardening and want to have guaranteed success, there are certain vegetables that you should consider growing. These vegetables are low maintenance, easy to grow, and will provide a bountiful harvest. Here are 10 vegetables that you should add to your garden this season:

  1. Green Beans:

    Green beans are super easy to grow. You can directly seed green beans in your garden in the spring right after the last frost. You can also start green beans indoors about two weeks before the last frost. Green beans are fast to grow, and you can start harvesting them just two months after planting. You can grow a wide variety of green beans or for ease of growth, try bush bean such as Contender beans.

  2. Zucchini:

    Zucchini is the best and the easiest variety of squash to grow. You can plant zucchini seeds directly in your garden right after the last frost. You can start harvesting zucchini just two months after planting. Zucchini plants tend to grow really big, so if you plant them closer, be sure to prune your zucchini plants. Fun fact: zucchini flowers are also edible, so if your plants are producing too much zucchini, try the zucchini flowers.

  3. Basil:

    Basil is one of the easiest herbs to grow. If you prune it right, you can grow really big and bushy basil plants. If you prune your basil plants frequently, the basil plants will grow pushier and will create a lot more branching stems. Start your basil seeds about a month before the last frost.

  4. Cucumbers:

    Cucumbers are easy to grow and love the warmth of summer. You can directly seed cucumbers in your garden about two weeks after your last frost. Cucumbers need a trellis to climb up and can be harvested about two months after planting.

  5. Peppers:

    Peppers are easy to grow and love the warmth of summer. You can start pepper seeds indoors about eight weeks before your last frost. Once the seedlings have grown to about three inches tall, you can transplant them to your garden. Peppers can be harvested about three months after planting.

  6. Lettuce:

    Lettuce is easy to grow and can be grown in the spring or fall. You can directly seed lettuce in your garden about four weeks before the last frost. You can start harvesting lettuce about six weeks after planting.

  7. Radishes:

    Radishes are fast-growing and easy to grow. You can directly seed radishes in your garden about four weeks before the last frost. Radishes can be harvested about three weeks after planting.

  8. Carrots:

    Carrots are easy to grow, but they need loose soil to grow long and straight. You can directly seed carrots in your garden about two weeks before the last frost. Carrots can be harvested about two to three months after planting.

  9. Tomatoes:

    Tomatoes are easy to grow and love the warmth of summer. You can start tomato seeds indoors about six to eight weeks before the last frost. Once the seedlings have grown to about six inches tall, you can transplant them to your garden. Tomatoes can be harvested about two to three months after planting.

  10. Spinach:

    Spinach is easy to grow and can be grown in the spring or fall. You can directly seed spinach in your garden about four weeks before the last frost. You can start harvesting spinach about six weeks after planting.

In conclusion, these 10 vegetables are just way too easy to grow. Whether you are a newbie to gardening or a seasoned gardener, these vegetables will provide you with a bountiful harvest. So, let's get started and start planting!


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