Planting Bare Root Trees: Tips for Success and Strong Growth

Are you looking to plant some trees in your backyard or garden? If you want to have the best success rate and grow strong and healthy trees, bear root trees are the way to go. They are more economical and healthier to plant compared to potted trees, which can cost anywhere from 40 to 60 dollars per tree.

Most stone fruit trees like cherries, peaches, nectarines, and even apples come in bare root, while citrus and avocado trees come as potted plants. So before planting, it's essential to choose the right time of year. You can plant bare root trees from mid-January to mid-April when the ground is not frozen or waterlogged.

To prepare the tree for planting, soak it in water for 2-4 hours so that it can hydrate and be ready for planting. Next, select an area in your garden or backyard that receives full sun and is not waterlogged. Proper spacing from other trees is also essential.

When digging the hole for the tree, make sure it's twice as wide as the roots and only as deep as the roots are. Backfill the hole and cover all the roots, keeping the soil level on the trunk the same as the surrounding soil. If you have clay soil, mound up the soil around the tree to prevent waterlogging.

After planting, provide at least three gallons of water to your newly planted trees. If you have sandy soil, create a depression for the water to collect, but if you have loamy soil, provide enough soil so that there is no depression. Mulch around the tree, leaving four to six inches of space from the trunk, and stake the tree to prevent it from falling over.

In conclusion, planting fruit trees is a great way to enjoy fresh fruit from your garden. By following these simple steps and tips, you can plant healthy and strong trees that will provide you with fruit for years to come. Happy planting!


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