How to Get Rid of Cabbage Worms in Your Garden

Are you tired of seeing holes in the leaves of your plants and finding out that the cabbage worms are to blame? It's time to take action and get rid of these destructive creatures. Here are some simple steps to follow:

Step 1: Identify the problem To know if you have a cabbage worm problem, look for holes in the leaves of your plants or tips of the leaves being eaten. Cabbage worms are the larvae of the white winged butterfly, which can be seen flying around the plants to lay their eggs.

Step 2: Choose a natural spray One effective way to get rid of cabbage worms is to use a natural spray such as Bt spray or spinosad spray. These contain live bacterium that is toxic to the insects but safe for humans and other animals.

Step 3: Prepare the spray To prepare the spray, mix one tablespoon of concentrate to one gallon of water. Spray the solution all around your plants and under the leaves as well.

Step 4: Use cornmeal Another way to combat cabbage worms is by using cornmeal. Sprinkle some on the leaves of your plants, as cabbage worms love to snack on it but cannot digest it.

Step 5: Wait and observe After three days, check your plants and see if there are any improvements. If the leaves are not being eaten anymore, then your plants are safe from cabbage worms.

In conclusion, getting rid of cabbage worms is essential for the health and well-being of your plants. By following these simple steps, you can have a beautiful and thriving garden. Don't let these destructive creatures ruin your hard work and effort!


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