Why You Should Plant Your Trees in Square Holes: Tips for Better Root Growth

Have you ever planted a tree only to find it struggling to grow properly? Maybe it's time to consider the shape of the hole you're planting it in. In this blog post, we'll cover why you should plant your trees in square holes and how to do it properly to encourage better root growth.

At Disney Creek Farms, we've planted a variety of trees, including jujubes, persimmons, and stone fruit such as cherries, nectarines, peaches, blueberries, and plums. We've found that planting trees in square holes has helped them thrive, especially when dealing with hard, compacted soil.

Here are the steps to planting a tree in a square hole:

  1. Prepare the soil: Before digging, water the area and add compost or manure to soften the soil.

  2. Dig a square hole: Instead of a round hole, dig a square hole with defined 90-degree edges to allow for better root penetration.

  3. Loosen the roots: When removing the tree from its container, scratch around the root ball to loosen it and encourage roots to grow in all directions.

  4. Plant the tree: Place the tree in the square hole, making sure the level of the tree is the same as the soil level.

  5. Fill in the hole: Fill in the hole with the same soil you removed, keeping the soil level consistent.

  6. Lean the tree: If possible, lean the tree slightly into the wind to prevent it from leaning or breaking due to strong winds.

  7. Add wood chips: Finally, add wood chips around the tree to retain moisture and provide natural fertilizer as they break down.

Planting trees in square holes helps prevent circling roots that can lead to root balls and stunted growth. While it may not be necessary for loose soil, it's a great solution for hard, compacted soil that can prevent root growth.

Remember to keep the soil moist, especially in areas with hard, compacted soil, to help soften the soil and preserve the microbiology. Also, avoid planting the tree too deep or burying the grafting joint.

With these tips, you can plant your trees in square holes to encourage better root growth and help your trees thrive. Happy planting!


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