The Truth About Using Cardboard and Paper in Your Garden

Gardening is an excellent way to enjoy the great outdoors, and incorporating cardboard and paper products into your garden can be a great way to help your plants grow. However, many gardeners have expressed concerns about the potential chemicals contained in cardboard and paper products. In this blog, we'll explore these concerns and get to the bottom of what's safe to use in your garden.

Cardboard and Paper Concerns

  1. Chemicals in Glue: Cardboard is made from wood pulp, while paper towel and toilet paper rolls are also made from wood pulp. The glue used in cardboard boxes can contain chemicals, but the glue used to form the cardboard itself is derived from starches found in plants like rice, wheat, potatoes, and other tubers. This is perfectly safe to use in your garden and will eventually decompose. The glue used on the seams of cardboard boxes is the glue you want to avid adding into your garden. Refrane from using the the seams or edges of the cardboard that contain this glue.

  2. Ink: Two types of ink are used on cardboard and paper products: vegetable dyes and colorings. Vegetable dyes are safe to use in your garden, and most of the black ink used on cardboard and paper is made from vegetable dyes. However, if you do come across colored ink or ink on glossy paper, it may contain chemicals and heavy metals.

  3. Labels and Plastic Tape: Labels on cardboard boxes contain a protective coating that is weatherproof and contains chemicals and plastics. The glue used on these labels is also chemical glue. The plastic tape used to seal the cardboard box is also a concern, as it will not decompose and contains chemical glues.

  4. Insecticides: When removing the labels and cutting out the seams, it's important to note that some boxes may contain insecticides. Fortunately, the majority of cardboard boxes do not contain any insecticides, as these are typically only used in special types of boxes that are meant to be in contact with the ground or exposed to weather. It is still important to understand that insecticides are out there in some cardboard boxes and you want to avoid this.

    When using cardboard boxes in your garden, it's best to stick with brown cardboard. This is because the brown color comes from the natural fibers of the trees used to make the cardboard.

    Paper Bags

    Paper bags are also a popular choice for gardeners. However, when it comes to paper bags, it's important to consider the type of paper being used. White paper is bleached with chlorine to make it white, which introduces toxic chemicals into the paper, including chlorine and dioxin, which is carcinogenic.

    For this reason, it's recommended to use brown paper bags in your garden, rather than bleached white paper. If you must use white paper, make sure it's not printed with colored ink, as the ink may contain harmful chemicals that can harm your plants and soil.


    Using cardboard and paper products in your garden can be a great way to help your plants grow, but it's essential to be mindful of the potential chemicals contained in these products. In doubt, remove the labels before using the cardboard in your garden. By using recycled materials in your garden, you can create a sustainable and environmentally-friendly space. When using cardboard and paper, it's important to consider the safety and suitability of the materials, as well as the impact they may have on your plants and soil. By following the tips outlined above, you can ensure that you are using materials that are safe and effective for your garden.


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