Wait a Minute Before You Send Your Seedlings to the Ceiling: How to Save and Create More Plants

Starting your own garden from seedlings can be an exciting and rewarding experience. However, when starting seeds indoors, it's common to get more than one plant per cell. As the seedlings grow, you'll need to thin them out to ensure they have enough space and resources to thrive. But before you toss those extra seedlings into the compost, wait a minute! With a simple technique, you can save and create more plants from those extra seedlings.

Here's how to do it:

Step 1: Prepare Your Growing Medium

To save your extra seedlings, you'll need to transplant them into new cells or pots. To do this, you'll need a growing medium that retains moisture and provides nutrients for your plants. A great mixture to use is 50% potting soil, 40% coconut coir, and 10% compost. Coconut coir is derived from coconut husks and helps to retain moisture in your growing medium, which is important for preventing your seedlings from drying out.

Step 2: Carefully Remove Extra Seedlings

Once your seedlings have grown a bit, you'll notice that some cells have more than one seedling growing in them. Carefully remove the extra seedlings from the cell. Be sure to leave the strongest plant in the cell and remove the smaller or weaker ones.

Step 3: Transplant Your Seedlings

Create a space in your new cell or pot for your seedling. It's important to create a space to prevent breaking the roots or damaging the plant while transplanting. Drop your seedling into the space and gently press the growing medium around the plant to ensure it's in contact with the roots.

Step 4: Water Your Seedlings

Water your seedlings every day, making sure not to overwater them. Check on them in the morning and evening to ensure they don't dry out. This is especially important in the first few days after transplanting, as the plants will need time to adjust.

Step 5: Watch Your Plants Grow

After a few weeks, your seedlings should start to grow and develop. Check on them regularly and continue to water them as needed. Once they are big enough, you can transplant them into your garden or larger pots.

By following these simple steps, you can save and create more plants from your extra seedlings. Don't throw them away, give them a chance to grow into beautiful plants! Happy gardening!


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