How to Grow Dragon Fruit Plants from Cuttings

Dragon fruit is a delicious fruit to enjoy and with these simple steps, you can grow your own in your backyard! let’s get started.

Step 1: Gather your dragon fruit plant cuttings.

The first step in growing dragon fruit plants from cuttings is to gather your cuttings. Choose healthy sections of the plant that are at least 6 inches long and have at least one white section where the roots will grow.

Step 2: Let the cuttings dry out.

After taking the cuttings, you need to let them dry out for 2-3 days before planting them. Place them in a cardboard box to prevent rotting.

Step 3: Choose the right environment for your dragon fruit plants.

Dragon fruit plants are tropical and thrive in zone 10 and above. If you live in a colder zone, you can grow them indoors or in a greenhouse. Additionally, if the temperature gets too hot, you need to provide shade for your plants.

Step 4: Plant the cuttings.

Plant the cuttings in a well-draining soil mix of 80% potting soil and 20% coconut coir. Plant the cutting with the white end down and press the soil firmly around the cutting to ensure root development.

Step 5: Water your plants once a week.

Water your dragon fruit plants once a week and let the soil dry out a bit between watering.

Step 6: Wait for your dragon fruit plants to bear fruit.

It usually takes about two years for dragon fruit plants to bear fruit. Once they start bearing fruit, they will continue to do so for 20-30 years.

In conclusion, growing dragon fruit plants from cuttings is an easy and rewarding process. Just follow these simple steps and enjoy the delicious fruit that your plants will produce. Thanks for watching and I'll see you in another video!


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