Preserving Tomatoes without Canning

I'm excited to share with you three ways to preserve tomatoes without canning them. If you're someone who has a garden with an abundance of tomatoes, these techniques will come in handy for you. So let's get started!

Step 1: Wash the Tomatoes

Before you start preserving your tomatoes, make sure to wash them thoroughly. Jack recommends washing the tomatoes, even if they're 100% organic and free of pesticides and herbicides. You want to remove any dust or dirt to ensure the tomatoes are clean and ready to use.

Step 2: Tomato Garlic Sauce

The first way to preserve your tomatoes is by making a tomato garlic sauce. Jack shows us how to make a delicious sauce with just a few ingredients, including olive oil, tomatoes, garlic, salt, pepper, and sugar. He simmers the ingredients together for an hour to reduce and evaporate all the water from the tomatoes. This sauce is perfect to add to sandwiches, pasta, or even as an appetizer with some bread.

Step 3: Dried Tomatoes

The second way to preserve tomatoes is by drying them. Jack slices the tomatoes evenly and places them on a drying tray. He puts the tray in a dehydrator for 30 hours, and after the process is complete, he stores the dried tomatoes in an airtight container. These dried tomatoes can last up to one year and are perfect for adding to salads or as a snack.

Step 4: Freeze Tomatoes

The third way to preserve tomatoes is by freezing them. Jack recommends crushing or dicing the tomatoes before freezing them. He places the crushed or diced tomatoes in a freezer-grade Ziploc bag and removes all the air from the bag. These tomatoes can last up to one year and are perfect for making soups or sauces.

In Conclusion

These are three easy ways to preserve your tomatoes without canning them. Whether you make a tomato garlic sauce, dry them, or freeze them, these techniques will help you save your tomatoes for future use. And don't forget to feed your chicken friends with the tomato scraps! Thanks for reading and happy preserving!


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