Vegetables to Plant in October

In this blog post, I will be sharing with you the steps to grow 12 different vegetables that can still be planted and grown in October.

Step 1:

Know your Frost Date It's essential to know your Frost Date before starting your planting process. In Zone 6 and below, the first frost occurs in mid to late October, which means it's too late to plant anything. However, in Zone 8 and above, the first frost hits in late November, which gives you two months of growth before the frost hits.

Step 2:

Choose Your Vegetables Choose the vegetables you want to grow. Here are the 12 vegetables that you can grow in October in Zone 8 and above: cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, kale, Swiss chard, collard greens, peas, carrots, radish, lettuce, green onions, and spinach.

Step 3:

Prepare Your Soil Prepare your soil by adding compost and organic fertilizer. Make sure that your soil is loose and well-draining, as most of these vegetables require good drainage.

Step 4:

Plant Your Vegetables Directly sow the seeds of the vegetables you've chosen into the prepared soil, following the package instructions. Ensure that the seeds are spaced correctly and at the right depth.

Step 5:

Water Your Plants Water your plants regularly, depending on your climate and soil type. The soil should be moist, but not overly wet.

Step 6:

Protect Your Plants Protect your plants from pests by spraying them with neem oil and pure Castile soap. Cover your plants with plastic covers if necessary, especially if you live in Zone 7.

Step 7:

Harvest Your Vegetables Harvest your vegetables once they reach maturity. Some vegetables can be harvested in as little as 30 days, such as radishes and spinach, while others, like broccoli and cauliflower, can take up to three months to mature.

In conclusion:

Growing vegetables in October is possible in Zones 8 and above. By following these steps, you can grow 12 different vegetables and enjoy a bountiful harvest.

Happy planting!


Amazing End of Season Harvest


Veggies That Last Over 3 Months