Amazing End of Season Harvest

Welcome to my blog! I am going to share my end of season harvest with all of you. Today we harvested all of these just today! It's the end of summer and we are getting ready to plant our fall Garden so we harvested everything and we're starting over with our Falconer now. Join me on this journey!

Step 1: Harvesting Jujubes and Apples

Well, this jujube tree is loaded, and there are lots of Jujubes on this tree, however, the Jujubes and apples did suffer this year because we had some late heat in September, and that is not good for Jujubes and apples, so a lot of them got dried up. But we managed to harvest some of them. You can Harvest Jujubes as soon as they start to get this little brownish color, and they come right off the tree. If you haven't had these, I will say definitely give these a shot if you can Source them in your area, and they are kind of like apples.

Step 2: Picking Tomatoes

Now check out these really nice Tomatoes. I've said this many times in my videos that the Tomato that you grew yourself tastes much better than the store-bought tomatoes because store-bought tomatoes taste like water, these actually taste like tomatoes. So, we picked some of these.

Step 3: Picking Zucchini, Spaghetti Squash, and Butternut Squash

We have a lot of zucchini growing, and we have about eight plants. Let me tell you how much zucchini they can produce. We actually have so much growing that we're actually cutting some up and freezing it, so we can use it early next year when we don't have zucchini in March and April. The same is true with spaghetti squash and butternut squash. These squashes are super tasty and can last up to three months or even more in a cool dark and dry place such as your pantry.

Step 4: Harvesting Eggplants and Chilies

Well, these eggplants are loaded, and they will keep producing until the first frost. You can just twist them and pull on them, and they just come right out. Chilies are also loaded, and they will keep producing until the first frost, so I'm harvesting as many chilies as I can.

Step 5: Picking Herbs

We got Sage, mint, and basil grain here. Sage is really good to add to your meals, and this is also a perennial so I planted it once and it keeps coming back so it's a really good addition to the garden. Mint is also a perennial, and it's really good to add to your tea or even make mint chutney. Basil is really good to make some basil pesto and also to add to your pasta soups or salads. Rosemary is really good to add to your roasted potatoes.

Step 6: Harvesting Grapes and Strawberries

We have 10 different varieties of grapes growing, and right now at the end of the season, the only grapes that are left on the vines are red flame. When harvesting grapes, you want to select the grapes that are ripe, if they're underripe, they're going to be sour but when they're fully ripe, that's when they're extra sweet. Strawberries will also keep producing until the very first frost, and these strawberries are the sweetest strawberries I've ever had.

I hope you enjoyed the journey with me on harvesting all of these fruits and vegetables. Harvesting your own produce is a great feeling, and it's even more


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