5 Reasons to Visit Our U-Pick Farm

I was on Finding Genius Podcast!

We Bought 20 Acre Farmland to Build an Organic Farm

How to Deep Rip Your Farmland with a D-10 Dozer: Tips and Techniques

Do THIS Soil Test Before Buying Land

Disking and Leveling a Field After Heavy Rain: A Step-by-Step Guide

500 Fruit Trees Delivered

Building Berms for Planting Trees: A Step-by-Step Guide

Our New 1964 Chevy C 50 Farmtruck: A Memorable Piece of American History

First Year Farm Tour of Daisy Creek Farms
How Much Money and Profit Can You Make from Growing Figs per Acre?
How Much Money and Profit Can You Make from Growing Cherries per Acre?
What is the Yield of Almonds per Acre

Deep Ripping Farmland with BIG D10 DOZER

We Ordered 500 Fruit Trees